
  • Marie Sandvik Center

    Marie Sandvik Center is a Religious Society (a Christian Church) in Minneapolis, MN. They exist to meet the spiritual and physical needs of anyone in the Twin Cities metro area, especially people in need of practical help. People who attend a chapel service are eligible to receive food, clothing, and hygiene items after the meeting.

  • Fellowship of Christian Athletes (At Minnetonka High School)

    FCA is the largest Christian sports organization in America. FCA focuses on serving local communities by equipping, empowering and encouraging people to make a difference for Christ. The mission of FCA is to lead every coach and athlete into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ and His church.

    The FCA club at Minnetonka High School meets most Friday mornings during the school year in the Team Room on the lower level under the west entrance at 7:05 am. Mr. Moran is a Social Studies teacher who is the faculty advisor for the club.

  • Feed My Starving Children (In Chanhassen)

    FMSC (Feed My Starving Children) is a nonprofit organization empowering volunteers to pack meals for the malnourished in nearly 70 countries.

    We volunteer regularly at the Chanhassen, MN location.

  • Camp Lebanon

    Camp Lebanon is a meeting place with God that was founded by a group of conservative Christian Baptists who wanted to create a camp where people could meet God and grow deeper in their relationship with Jesus Christ. We are excited to call Camp Lebanon our official church camp. Although we are not a Baptist church, we share the same values and mission of our camp.

  • Navigators (In Eau Claire)

    Navigators is a worldwide, Christian, para-church organization. Its purpose is the discipling (training) of Christians. On college campuses in the U.S. the emphasis is on enabling college students to share their faith with others and to be disciple making followers of Jesus. Our summer intern JT is currently on the Navs leadership team on the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire campus.

  • Local Churches

    Local Churches are essential to reaching our community. We seek to partner with like minded churches to reach as many people in our community as possible. We believe that every local church being godly and healthy is great for the Kingdom of God. We do what we can to support and encourage our neighborhood churches. Our church staff provides leadership to the local Bible Studies at both of our Middle Schools. Our youth group meets on Tuesday nights in order to allow for students to participate in other local church youth groups that traditionally meet on Wednesday nights. We support our local Christian teachers who attend a variety of local churches and we support Tonka Staff for Christ which seeks to encourage Christian teachers who make teaching in our local public schools a priority.